
Thursday, February 27, 2020

The maths test

Last week our maths group did a 100 question multiplication test. Today we did it again. I did not inprove that much.

Monday, February 24, 2020

What the morning routine is

In the morning we get one hour of free time. it lasts from 8:00 to 9:00. When it turns 9"00 the bell plays over our speakers. After we are all inside the class a teacher puts some handwriting up on the board. after that the swimmers go over to the pool and do laps. there is a one length group, a four length and a ten length group. I am in the four length group. meanwhile, back at class the non-swimmers have to do a tyre run. after the swimmers come back all of us do silent reading for thirty minutes. when that is over its break time for thirty-five minutes. when the thirty-five minutes are over we come in for morning tea.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The maths test

Today my maths group did A 100 question multiplacation test. The test was also timed for 10 minutes. the goal was to finish the test in 5 or less minutes. Since i'm not good at times tables I did not do well, my score was 49. my goal is to get under 10 min next time

Friday, February 14, 2020

Zumba Friday #2

Zumba friday

Today we did Zumba for kids as part of our fitness program. its a dance channel that teaches you to dance. i didn't really enjoy it because i'm not really a dancer but people who do like to dance or move around i'd try it out.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Technology: Our fist lesson

Every Thursday our class and the other senior class go on a bus to Linwood College where we learn varrious skills that will help us in the future.  my group's class went to the fabrics room and the cooking room. Both of those are really fun. In cooking class we made a quesadilla  and  carrot raisin salad mixed with orange juice. Inside the quesadilla there was chicken carrot cheese and pesto sauce. And in fabrics we just did book work witch was kind of fun but others found it really boring.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

My photo

Image result for cat with long neck

The first week back...

The first week back at school is not always the most productive but that's because we don't really get much work. Our class has done some activites. The first thing we did was: we had to line up in dates of birthday, once the class finished that we were assigned to one of three groups led by a teacher. The group i was put into learned coding.